The phone call waked me up in Sat. 12:28p.m. My Taiwan roommate Don's boss called from the royal show. She needed some support to cover the crowds in The Easter consecutive holidays. It's a good chance to change boring seeking job life.
Thereafter, I got a dream job which is many people dreamed.
Originally, I deal 5 work days with Liaony and Luis(Show Time biggest boss, they have already been grandma and grandpa but still looks so young. but there is a little trouble on Wed. So I just work 4 days for the show.
My job was ticketing in Mega Drop. There were many teens and tourists from Sydney. Job content was very easy. I need to collect tickets from customers and put into 5 different ticket barrels. Sometimes I also support for queuing, checking belt and maintaining relevant regional. It's a really good chance to increase my English ability especially listening and talking. Some of customers ask for discount no matter what they looks like or what the gender they are. I have to process all kinds of unexpected situations. It's a quite challenging and interesting job.
#There are some of interesting things during my job:
1. A boy was too afraid to piss on his seat. Luckily, He pissed on floor 3 but garret.
2. Another purpose for bra: put wallet.
3. People spend 35 AUD for one enter ticket and buy almost 1:1 coupon for every kind of facilities. There are 4.5 AUD for one bottle of Coke Cola.
4. Indians can be very indecisive, conserved, crazy and charming.
5. Paul: Stephen, come here and sit. I need to check if the belt work.(buckle) ....Ok! It works fine!(smile) and than I got a mega dropping!
#There are some good points:
1. A really good chance to train my English ability in different accents and usage.
2. There are a lot of handsome boys and pretty girls.
3. I can practice to distinguish faces all over the world.
4. Money saving is very fast.
5. I have a good partner: Paul from Germany. and also meet Christen from HK. Thanks for your kindly guiding me the way home.
6. I will never forget people's faces after their drop.
#There are also some bad conditions for me:
1. Sunburning all days. It made me looks like:

2. My voice is totally cut in second day.
3. 10 - 10 standing with an leather shoes. It always drive me crazy when I get off work. Especially I just recovered from acute gout.
4. I need to spend 2 hours on the train and it's the first time to take.
5. Base sound and voice are still keeping around my ear now. " Wow, it's a super machine! ".
#There are few words about these days:
1. Thanks for your support, Don.
2. Thanks for your filling some part I forgotten and welcome to Taiwan on Aug. 2013, Paul.
3. Thank you all teaching me to keep smile with you guys, Christen and tourists.
4. Thanks to 2 supervisors who give me guideline and praise.
5. Thanks to Mr.Lois and Mrs. Liaony. You give me this chance and maybe we will meet in Brisbane or Cairns again.
6. Ready for your next job anytime. Set a goal and rush for it! Never waste of time!
7. Thanks to every roommate in Dury hostel. Your kind and concern is my best energy.